Arizona Department of Transportation | Window Rock, Arizona
SR 264 is one of the most used highways on the Navajo Nation providing primary access to the Navajo Nation’s capital of Window Rock. This feasibility study was developed to determine a recommended alternative that would increase safety and capacity for a 13.6-mile section of SR 264. Alternatives included a new four-lane divided highway constructed within the existing right-of-way, a four-lane divided highway which utilized the two existing lanes and two new lanes, and a passing/climbing lane concept.
Public and agency meetings were held at the Kinlichee Chapter House in the Navajo Nation with representatives from ADOT, the public, Bureau of Indian Affairs, local school districts, Federal Highways Administration, and several Navajo Nation agencies including transportation, transit, health services, environmental, parks and recreation, community development, and the Transportation and Community Development Committee. EPS Group successfully addressed public and agency concerns to develop a consensus for the selection of a recommended alternative.