I – 40/US – 93 West Kingman TI DCR & PEL

I-40 / US 93 West Kingman System Traffic Interchange – Design Concept Report (DCR) and Environmental Assessment (EA) | Kingman, Arizona

ADOT’s Interstate 40, West Kingman Traffic Interchange (TI) serves as a primary link between Phoenix and Las Vegas, Nevada. The I-40 / US 93 TI experiences significant seasonal and day of the week fluctuations in traffic volumes as a result of weekend travel in general, and holiday weekend travel in particular. EPS Group developed interim and ultimate recommendations (a total of nine alternatives) to resolve this condition. Design concepts include a fully-directional interchange between I-40 and US 93. Access control, impacts to local businesses, numerous washes, historic and prehistoric features, and difficult terrain further complicated the design effort. Additionally, significant public involvement efforts were required to address local concerns and develop project consensus among the key stakeholders. Agencies involved in the development of this Design Concept Report (DCR) included the Arizona Department of Transportation, the Federal Highway Administration, Mohave County, the Bureau of Land Management, the Arizona Game and Fish Department and the City of Kingman. A draft Environmental Assessment was completed for this project, but due to funding limitation it was converted into a PEL (Planning Environmental Linkage) document to preserve the outcomes for future funding availability. An Interstate Change of Access report was also compiled.

Services provided:

Civil Engineering