EP Joint Venture, LLC (EPJV) is a Indian-Owned Economic Enterprise, disadvantaged, minority small business that’s SBA 8(a) and HUBZone certified A&E Services Mentor-Protégé Joint Venture between Puyenpa Construction, LLC and EPS Group Inc. Project teams at EPJV exemplify success by working tirelessly in partnership with our clients to provide on-time, innovative, high quality, fair and reasonably priced services without missing a deadline or budget. As a Tribally-Owned company, EPJV is headquartered in Duckwater, Nevada with regional offices strategically located throughout the US. Our core business strengths in A&E services include civil engineering, survey, landscape architecture, and construction management and inspection. Staffed with highly qualified and dedicated engineers, surveyors, landscape architects, construction managers, and quality control personnel, EPJV offers a strong commitment to superior project management and on-time performance.
CAGE Code: 9GQL0
NAICS Codes: 541330, 541320, 541340, 541360, 541370, 541611, 541618, 541690, 541990
- Site Layout and Preliminary Engineering Design
- Civil/Site Construction Plans
- Roadway and Pavement Design
- Drainage and Stormwater Management System, Design and Permitting
- Water Distribution Systems, Design and Permitting
- Wastewater Collection Systems
- Utility Design
- Floodplain Analysis, Permitting and Mitigation
- Hydrology Design
- FEMA Map Amendments
- Easement Acquisition
- Earthwork Analysis
- Permit Assistance
- Value Engineering
- Cost Estimating
- Annexation and Zoning Strategies
Our creative team has the knowledge and skills to anticipate challenges, answer difficult questions, and provide solutions to help our clients maximize the potential of their land.
Challenge current trends to create balanced and sustainable designs that are functional, economical and enhance the quality of our communities.
Utilize comprehensive, state-of-the-art tools and instruments to add value to land development, infrastructure and utility projects.
Whether renovating an existing facility or tackling a ground-up construction project, we will act in the best interest of our clients by offering design alternatives and feasible solutions to deliver exceptional quality, on schedule and within budget.
With extensive experience in horizontal construction in both the public and private sectors, we provide management and inspection services for various governmental infrastructure improvements (improvement districts, community facility districts, residential subdivisions, et al). Our teams are experienced in trench excavation and OSHA regulations.
Preconstruction services include:
- Budgets and Engineer’s Estimates of Construction Costs
- Defining Project Scope
- Reviewing Schedules and Bids
- Identifying Potential Issues
- Analyzing Cost Impacts
- Performing Constructability Reviews
We offer construction inspectors for in-the-field inspection services. Our inspectors are experienced in traffic control safety, SWPP measures, underground utilities, concrete, paving, street lights and traffic signals. We can also provide utility coordination with all providers involved from project inception to completion.
Projects assigned will undergo a thorough construction close-out process – ensuring that all work is completed to plans and specifications, all compaction tests have been received, reviewed and approved, as-builts are complete, and all permits have been closed out.
Safety is our number one priority. We have inspected and managed the installation of subsurface utility lines in all types of soil and conditions. This includes horizontal borings under utilities that cannot be excavated. We have managed and inspected projects that include all types and sizes of pipelines.
We are experienced in all the necessary testing, including pressure testing for both sewer and waterlines. Additionally, our teams are qualified to perform the necessary flow tests required for both curb and asphalt. We ensure that proper slopes are obtained for the streets, curbs, sidewalks and ramps.
Landscape and irrigation inspection services also support that all landscaping and irrigation systems are installed per plans and specifications.
Office Locations
511 Duckwater Falls Road
Duckwater, NV 89314
1130 N Alma School Rd, Suite 120,
Mesa, AZ 85201
Point of Contact
Eric Neal, JV Representative
EPS Group, (480) 503-2250
Sam McGuinness, Southeast BD Manager
Puyenpa, (904) 472-3548
SBA Representative
Saul Ramos, Deputy District Director
8aNVDO@sba.gov, (702) 388-6015
USACE/Luke Air Force Base – Sanitary Sewer Mains / Laterals Replacement
Contract Number: W912PL-18-C-0021 Contract Value: $9,474,001.00
Beginning in the 1950s and ‘60s, the Luke Air Force Base wastewater system had gradually morphed (due to progressive land subsidence) into 160 miles of trunk main, 22 lift stations, and a wastewater treatment plant. This infrastructure had deteriorated due to age, exceeded its design life, and the number of pipeline and lift station repairs had increased to an unsustainable level. After evaluating 35,236 l.f. of sewer mains by surveying, CTV scoping, and performing structural and hydraulic analyses, EPS Group determined the need to install 12,753 l.f. of new gravity sewer and force main, 36 manholes, and two lift stations to address the issues. EPS Group’s recommended design also structurally repaired 20 brick manholes and lined 49 separate locations to repair 13,000 l.f. of sewer. Most notably, it eliminated six existing lift stations.
Wahweap Marina, Water and Sewer Location & GIS Database
Client: National Park Service (NPS) Contract Value: $100,434.00
NPS endeavored to begin a comprehensive maintenance and replacement plan for the 1,067 acre Wahweap District in GLCA. EPS Group was contracted to locate and identify underground water/sewer utilities through various subsurface utility investigation (SUI) methods, and then use ESRI’s ArcGIS Collector Application in tandem with a Trimble GPS unit to capture survey-grade location data for each GIS feature. The Collector application allowed field staff to append a photograph and populate the database in real time with relevant data. All features were published to a hosted feature layer on the NPS ArcGIS Online organizational account and confirmed for compatibility with the NPS system.
Whiteriver Indian Hospital Replacement, Site Assessment
Client: Phoenix Area Indian Health Service Contract Value: $55,400.00
For the planned 400,000 SF replacement hospital, located at the existing hospital’s site, EPS Group provided the floodplain assessment and the legal boundary survey for this comprehensive site assessment phase. Plans included associated infrastructure, added parking, and 144 staff quarters on an adjacent 100-acre parcel. The hospital design concept proposed 26 beds, preventative and rehabilitation care, dental clinic, and behavioral health services.
Heavy Pavement, Phases 2 and 3, Naval Submarine Base, Kings Bay, GA
Contract Number: N69450-21-C-0027 Contract Value: $8,848,288
Puyenpa was contracted by NAVFAC to complete Phases 2 and 3 of this seven (7) phased project to upgrade and improve one of the two the D5 Nuclear missile transportation routes at the Naval Submarine Base in King’s Bay, GA. The general scope of work includes asphalt milling, resurfacing of asphalt pavement, full depth demolition of existing pavement, sealcoating, striping, sodding, utility box replacement, new signage, and other incidental work. As a modification, we performed EMERGENCY Bridge repairs that were uncovered during the repair process that we negotiated and executed in 7 days.
WHS Horizontal Data And Cabling Design-Build
Contract Number: HQ0034-21-C-0096 Contract Value: $19,786,262
Puyenpa was contracted by WHS to provide a complete design for the replacement of all horizontal cabling and cable support infrastructure within the areas identified throughout buildings A – E. The design will be complete with a new cable support system (i.e. basket-style cable tray, support hangers or other suitable pathway). The design shall also include the necessary details for the replacement of existing telecommunications backbone, currently providing service to two existing telecommunications rooms (TR). The project also includes providing and installing all new horizontal cable distribution for networks classified above the SECRET Level in Zone 2, to include the installation, termination, testing and commissioning of all cabling and system components, as well as abatement of all Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM) and other hazardous materials in floor, wall, and ceiling finishes as required in this area of Raven Rock Mountain Complex (RRMC).
Design-Build Replacement of Storm Damaged Mount Vernon Trail Bridge #12
Contract Number: 693C73-20-C-000019 Contract Value: $3,101,117.54
Puyenpa was awarded this Design Build project which consists of the replacing the Mount Vernon Trail Bridge #12 and realignment of the bridge approaches. The new bridge will be located approximately 50 feet west of the existing bridge. Constructed of pressure treated wood and steel, the new bridge will measure approximately 265 feet long by 16 feet wide. All areas where sections of the bridge or trail are to be removed will be restored to natural conditions. This project includes design specifications and other mitigations to ensure the protection of these resources to the maximum extent practicable.